Nearly 50 bikes will be on display at the annual Kenosha Police Department Bike Auction on Saturday (May 13) at the Rotary Safety Center, 5716 14th Ave.

The event begins at 9 a.m. with a viewing session before the auction takes place from 10-11 a.m.
There is a variety of bikes in all shapes, sizes and conditions available at the event, according to Kenosha Police Safety Officer Tyler Cochran.
“It’s quite a mixture,” Cochran said. “Some of the bikes are really nice. Some are missing parts.”
One of the bikes available is a vintage Schwinn Sting-Ray.
“I’ve been told it’s a classic,” Cochran said. “Someone said it’s an $800 bike. It’s crazy the things we used to have and now they’re worth all this money.”
Cochran said a majority of the bikes are donated by local residents.
All proceeds support the Kenosha Police Department Public Safety Cadet Unit #67, a program designed for young men and women (ages 14-20) interested in law enforcement.
The program helps young adults develop self-esteem, leadership qualities, teamwork, professionalism, responsibility and good work ethics as well as facilitate and strengthen relations between law enforcement and the community.