Just after midnight on December 26th, 2022, our world got a little dimmer. Josette Rae Richardson nèe Knull passed away after bravely fighting cancer.
Josette was born on the August 16, 1972 in Waukegan, Illinois to Reverend Roy A.G. Knull Jr and Marlene Knull née Feyen.
October 5, 2001, she married Michael Richardson. Josette has two children from a previous marriage; a Daughter, Alexandra Dick and a Son, Jacob Dick. Along with 3 stepchildren; Daughters Lynsi Russell nèe Richardson, Krista and Matt Gineris nèe Richardson, and Son Cory Richardson. Along with 5 granddaughters and one grandson.
Josette had a passion for nature and photography. She loved and adored her family and friends, until the very end. She had a long and successful career at Elmwood Elementry in Zion, Illinois for 17 years.
She is survived by her husband Michael Richardson, children Alexandra Dick and Jacob Dick. Father Rev. Roy A.G. Knull Jr. Brothers, James Knull, Jeremy Knull. Sister Juliane and Joseph McMahon nèe Knull. Nephew Christian McMahon.
She was preceded in death by her mother Marlene Knull and her brother Jacob Knull.
At this time there are no funeral services.