KENOSHA — Chad and Aalia Scott hope to encourage student learning by delivering school supplies to low-income schools.

“I was truly surprised by the outpouring donations from the community,” Chad said.
As they host their first back-to-school supply drive, they have received over 50 donations over the past few weeks.
“We donate to local school’s here where we think a lot of underprivileged kids go to, that could definitely use it a lot more,” Chad said.

With donations varying from notebooks, crayons, pencils and much more. All of the necessary supplies students need to start the school year.
“In order for them to have that equal opportunity they need the supplies,” Aliaa said.
She is a local KUSD teacher and was inspired to start the supply drive after seeing her students come to class without notebooks or pencils.

“Giving that pencil, giving that notebook, giving that one index card that they need to have that equal opportunity is a small feat,” Aalia said.
As they continue to receive more donations, they hope to deliver supplies before classes start next week.
For ways to donate school supplies click on Chad’s social media post.