With over 20 years of experience in selling Kenosha homes, I want to share with the people of my community why 2021 might be one of the best years to sell yet…
2020 has made quite its mark in history. From a global pandemic, to local riots, to, oh yeah, a presidential election, last year has brought hardships to many families. Although the country is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming. And THAT is why 2021 will be the best year to sell.
Americans have flooded back into the buying and selling game, but houses in Kenosha have sold especially fast with our help at GoFelicia. To understand just how fast, the average number of days on the market for Kenosha sellers was 38 days in 2020. Our team average… only 18 days!
Another reason why homes are flying off the market now is due to buyers playing catch-up! People have overcome the difficulties of the buying/selling process, and are eager to buy! Buyers are finally getting the chance to pursue their dream home that they started thinking about this time last year.
With such few homes on the market due to the occurrences of 2020, buyers have no choice but to act fast. There just aren’t enough people selling for buyers to take their time and act choosy.
What is the result of this?
Sellers finding quick success in getting their homes off the market (and adding dollars to their pocket)!
Read more on why I suggest selling in 2021 to ALL my clients >